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Woman stretching back.

In-Home Exercises for a Stronger Back


Imagine having the strength and resilience to conquer each day with a powerful and healthy spine. As your partner in health, we believe that your back, the literal backbone of your body, deserves attention and care to support you through life’s adventures.

Here are five easy, at-home exercises you can do to support your spine.

Pelvic Tilts: This simple exercise helps to engage the core muscles and stabilize the lower back. By lying on your back and gently tilting the pelvis, you can gradually build strength in the muscles that support the spine.

Cat-Cow Stretch: A classic yoga move, the cat-cow stretch promotes flexibility and mobility in the spine. This gentle, flowing motion can provide relief from tension and improve the overall health of the back.

Plank Pose: Engaging multiple muscle groups, the plank pose is an effective way to strengthen the core and support the entire spinal column.

Bird Dog Exercise: By extending one arm and the opposite leg while balancing on all fours, you can enhance stability and promote coordination, which contributes to a healthier, more resilient spine.

Bridge Pose: This yoga posture targets the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings, offering a fantastic opportunity to fortify the muscles that play a crucial role in spinal support.

By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you can actively contribute to the strength and resilience of your back. Another good way to keep your spine in great shape is to visit us for a checkup!


想像一下,擁有強壯及健康的脊骨就可以有力量及靭性去過每一天。作為你的健康伙伴,我們相信你的背部– 你的脊椎骨,值得你的注意及呵護去支持你過精彩的每一天。



貓牛式:一個傳統的瑜伽動作 — 貓牛式 — 可以訓練脊柱的靈活性及活動能力。這個溫和動作可以舒緩壓力和提升背部的整體健康。

平板支撐:激活多組肌肉群 – 平板支撐是一個有效運動去強化核心肌肉以及支撐整條脊骨。




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